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Emotion and Motivation OtherEmotion and Motivation Other
Poster No Title Authors
M250 The Anxious Brain: structural and functional correlates of anxiety in healthy subjects Francesca Saviola1, Edoardo Pappaianni2, Alessia Monti3, Alessandro Grecucci2, Nicola De Pisapia2
M252 Transient Valence-Dependent Shifts in Intrinsic Network Organization Mediate Mood Congruency Effects Julian Provenzano1, Philippe Fossati2,3, Philippe Verduyn4, Peter Kuppens1
M256 Midbrain involvement in anterior insula-mediated emotion regulation. Andrea Caria1, Luciana Ciringione1
M261 Quantifying connectivity-derived Circuit Scores related to the Negative Valence Domain in Anxiety Leonardo Tozzi1, Elena Tuzhilina1, Brooke Staveland1, Bailey Golt-Hosselin1, Sarah Chang1, David Choi1, Melissa Shiner1, Leanne Williams1
M262 High Primary psychopathy traits reveal specific cortical connectivity during emotional stimulation Silvia Polver1, Antonio Maffei1, Alessandro Angrilli1
M265 Theta changes in resting state EEG activity after regulating emotions Gaia Lapomarda1, Stefania Valer1, Remo Job1, Alessandro Grecucci1
M267 A Neural Basis for Embodied Emotion Marianne Reddan1, Luke Chang2, Philip Kragel1, Tor Wager3
M272 A meta-analytic connectivity modelling and functional decoding study of emotional processing in OCD Maria Picó-Pérez1, Pedro Moreira1, Patrício Costa1, Pedro Morgado1, Carles Soriano-Mas2
M275 Impersonal causality orientation impacts frontostriatal connectivity during personal choice Liana Romaniuk1, Anca-Larisa Sandu2, Gordon Waiter3, Christopher McNeil4, Xueyi Shen5, Mathew Harris5, Jennifer MacFarlane6, Stephen Lawrie7, Ian Deary8, Alison Murray4, Mauricio Delgado9, Douglas Steele10, Andrew McIntosh5, Heather Whalley5
M354 Protracted beta activity in left IFG/AI and delayed response inhibition in anxiety: An MEG study Ariel Roxburgh1, Brian Cornwell2
T010 The emotion regulatory network associates differently with different PTSD symptom clusters Toshinori Chiba1,2, Kentaro Ide1,3, Ai Koizumi4, Vincent Taschereau-Dumouchel5, Masafumi Funatsu6, Shuken Boku2, Sumie Kato6, satoshi Umeda7, Akira Fujikawa7, Akitoyo Hishimoto2, Yuka Horiuchi8, Miyako Shirakawa3, Toru Maruyama7, Law Hakwan5, Ichiro Sora2, Mitsuo Kawato1
T082 An fMRI amygdala neurofeedback training normalize amygdala and hippocampal volumes Beni Mulyana1,2, Masaya Misaki1, Kymberly Young3, Vadim Zotev1, Jennifer Stewart1, Samuel Cheng2, Jerzy Bodurka1,4
T155 FKBP5 promoter methylation is associated with structural changes in stress processing brain circuits Thomas Kremer1, Junfang Chen1, Anais Harneit1, Urs Braun1, Ren Ma1, Markus Reichert1, Zhenxiang Zang1, Gabriela Gan1, Carolin Mößnang1, Kristina Schwarz1, Janina Schweiger1, Tracie Ebalu1, Lena Geiger1, Oksana Berhe1, Torsten Wüstenberg1, Xiaolong Zhang1, Fabian Streit1, Stephanie Witt1, Marcella Rietschel1, Emanuel Schwarz1, Andreas Meyer-Lindenberg1, Heike Tost1
T428 The Relationship between Loneliness and Cognitive Function in The Elderly Chao Du1, Xin Li1, Xia Jianan1, Zhanjun Zhang1
T476 Neonatal white matter microstructure and emotional development during pre-school years in children Dana Kanel1, Anita Montagna1, Shona Falconer1, Danielle Stoller1, A David Edwards1, Serena Counsell1, Chiara Nosarti2
T602 Disrupted network topology in premenstrual dysphoric disorder is related to childhood maltreatment Rotem Dan1, Inbal Reuveni2, Laura Canetti1, Marta Weinstock1, Ronen Segman2, Gadi Goelman1, Omer Bonne2
T623 Understanding the function of human amygdala using connectopic mapping. Izabela Przezdzik1, Koen Haak1, Guillen Fernandez2, Christian Beckmann1
Th004 Structural connectivity impacts depression in Parkinson’s patients with subthalamic stimulation Friederike Irmen1,2, Andreas Horn3, Christof Brücke4, Gerd-Helge Schneider4, Andrea Kühn3
Th083 The effect of multiple frontal TDCS sessions on mood in healthy older adults Malin Freidle1, Jonna Nilsson1, Alexander Lebedev ‎1, Martin Lövdén1
Th154 Emotion Self-Regulation Training in Major Depression Using Simultaneous rtfMRI and EEG Neurofeedback Vadim Zotev1, Ahmad Mayeli1,2, Masaya Misaki1, Jerzy Bodurka1,3
Th180 Processing and Regulating Emotional Information in Remitted Recurrent Major Depressive Disorder Rozemarijn van Kleef1, Jan-Bernard Marsman1, Claudi Bockting2, Evelien van Valen3, Saskia Nijmeijer1, Andre Aleman4, Marie-Jose van Tol1
Th263 Suppressing random exploration enables optimizing decision under social threat Jaejoong Kim1, Minchul Kim1, Bumseok Jeong2, Haeorm Park1
Th267 Self-controlled decision-making buffers stress response Rujing Zha1, Wei Hong1, Xiaochu Zhang2
Th375 Dynamic functional connectivity reflects changes in emotional experience in response to music Matthew Sachs1, Assal Habibi1, Jonas Kaplan1, Antonio Damasio1
Th428 Neural basis of social comparisons in depression/social anxiety using Electroencephalography Valentina Paz1, Eliana Nicolaisen-Sobesky1, Gabriela Fernandez-Theoduloz1, Alfonso Pérez1, Francisco Cervantes Constantino1, Dominique Kessel2, Álvaro Cabana1, Victoria Gradin1
Th481 An EEG Study of Induced Emotion by Manipulating Feedback During Decision Making Task Altyngul Kamzanova1, Ayim Kabdilgabitova1, Almira Kustubayeva1
Th749 A novel 11.7T ultra-high field diffusion MRI structural connectivity atlas of the Japanese quail Raïssa Yebga Hot1,2,3, Marine Siwiaszczyk4, Justine Beaujoin1,2,3, David Barrière1,3, Ivy Uszynski1,5, Scott Love4, Ludovic Calandreau4, Baptiste Mulot6, Elodie Chaillou4, Cyril Poupon1,2,3
Th837 The Power of Smiling: The Adult Brain Networks Underlying Learned Infant Temperament Eloise Stark1, Joana Cabral1,2,3, Madelon Riem4,5,6, Marinus Van IJzendoorn5,6, Alan Stein1, Morten Kringelbach1,2
Th844 How different motives interact in the human brain Anne Saulin1, Ulrike Horn2, Martin Lotze3, Jochen Kaiser4, Grit Hein1
Th859 Brain activity during reciprocal social interaction investigated using conversational robots Birgit Rauchbauer1, Morgane Bourhis1, Thierry Chaminade1
Th879 Imaging Aggression Using a Naturalistic Output Eva Mishor1, Tali Weiss1, Danielle Honigstein1, Lior Gorodisky1, Aharon Weissbrod1, Ethan Livne1, Noam Sobel1
Th888 Perceived control drives self-related outcome valuation, emotion, and behavioral preferences David Stolz1, Laura Müller-Pinzler1, Sören Krach1, Frieder Paulus1
W037 Nicotine alters intra-and inter-regional resting-state fMRI of the vmPFC and hippocampus Lauren Hill-Bowen1, Michael Tobia2, Angela Laird2, Betty Jo Salmeron3, Thomas Ross3, Elliot Stein3, Matthew Sutherland1
W338 Common Neural and Transcriptional Correlates of Inhibitory Control Modulating Memory and Emotion Wei Liu1, Nils Kohn1, Guillen Fernandez1
W503 Positive affect is inversely related to the salience and emotion network connectivity Di Qi1, Tatia Lee1
W899 Dose-dependent effects of oxytocin on amygdala and reward system vary between women and men Jana Lieberz1, Dirk Scheele1, Franny Spengler2, Tatjana Matheisen1, Lía Schneider1, Birgit Stoffel-Wagner3, Rene Hurlemann4
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