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Learning and Memory OtherLearning and Memory Other
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M023 Relationship between Visual Short-term Memory and Corpus Callosum in Autism Spectrum Disorder Yutaka Matsuzaki1, Susumu Yokota2, Teruo Hashimoto1, Yasuyuki Taki3,4, Ryuta Kawashima1,5 M280 Emotional tagging during hippocampal reactivation retrospectively promotes memory integration Yannan Zhu1, Lingke Zhang2, Guillen Fernandez1, Shaozheng Qin2
M284 Bad intentions: Resistance to change in neural pattern similarity in response to deliberate harm Irem Undeger1, Reneé Visser2, Armita Golkar1, Andreas Olsson1
M325 De-coupling feedback valence and information-gain in reinforcement learning Ido Toren1, Rony Paz1
T034 Hippocampal Volume, Cognitive Reserve and Memory Problems in Breast Cancer Survivors Emmie Koevoets1,2, Annemarie Meijer1,3, Sanne Schagen1,3, Evelyn Monninkhof2, Anne May2, Lenja Witlox2, Mirjam Geerlings2, Petra Peeters2, Michiel de Ruiter4
T053 Aberrant Causal Reasoning in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Patricia Gruner1, Alan Anticevic1, Christopher Pittenger1
T204 Declarative memory improvement with perforant path integrity and proximity of deep brain stimulation Tyler Wishard1, Zahra M. Aghajan1, Emily Mankin1, Diane Villaroman1, Taylor Kuhn1, Itzhak Fried1, Nanthia Suthana1
T854 EEG as an implicit measure for perceptual discrimination, categorization, and generalization. Jaana Van Overwalle1,2, Sander Van de Cruys1,2, Bart Boets3,2, Johan Wagemans1,2
Th093 Multifocal stimulation of the cerebello-cortical loop during motor skill acquisition Maximilian Wessel1, Chang-Hyun Park1, Philipp Koch1, Estelle Cuttaz1, Jan Timmermann2, Robert Schulz2, Friedhelm Hummel1
Th222 Alterations of network configurations in patients with anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis Nina von Schwanenflug1, Stefan Koch1, Josephine Heine1, David Lydon-Staley2, Harald Prüss1, Friedemann Paul1, Danielle Bassett2, Carsten Finke1
Th223 Rs-fMRI study of cognitive diagnostic criteria in Secondary Progressive MS. Anisha Doshi1, Gloria Castellazzi1,2, Nils Muhlert3, Adnan Alahmadi4,1, Ferran Prados1,5,6, Claudia Wheeler-Kingshott1,7,8, Olga Ciccarelli1, Jeremy Chataway1
Th225 Neural signatures of developmental dyslexia and developmental coordination disorder Fabien Cignetti1,2,3, Federico Nemmi4, Marianne Vaugoyeau2,3, Nadine Girard5, Yves Chaix4, Patrice Péran4, Christine Assaiante2,3
Th274 Reward and Fictive Prediction Error signals in the Ventral Striatum Aniol Santo-Angles1,2,3, Paola Fuentes-Claramonte1,2, Isabel Argila1, Maria Guardiola Ripoll1, Carmen Almodovar1, Peter McKenna1,2, Edith Pomarol-Clotet1,2, Joaquim Radua1,2,4,5,6
Th367 Attentuating Neural Threat Expression with Imagination Marianne Reddan1, Tor Wager2, Daniela Schiller1
Th370 Songs as a verbal learning tool after stroke: behavioural and structural neuroimaging evidence Teppo Särkämö1, Aleksi Sihvonen2, Vera Leo1, Tanja Linnavalli1, Matti Laine3, Mari Tervaniemi1, Seppo Soinila4
Th622 Modulating the Neural Networks underlying Motor Sequence Learning using Prefrontal Repetitive TMS. Mareike Gann1,2, Marco Davare1,2, Brad King1, Nina Dolfen1,2, Dante Mantini1,2, Stephan Swinnen1,2, Edwin Robertson3, Genevieve Albouy1,2
W131 Impaired fMRI response in sub-hippocampal structures: how prior knowledge impairs memory in AD Pierre-Yves Jonin1,2,3, Quentin Duché2, Elise Bannier2,3, Isabelle Corouge2, Jean-Christophe Ferré2,3, Serge Belliard3,4, Emmanuel Barbeau1, Christian Barillot2
W143 Relationship of verbal memory to default mode network volume differs by sex and amyloid status Jessica Kirkland Caldwell1, Xiaowei Zhuang2, Aaron Ritter1, Karthik Sreenivasan1, Virendra Mishra1, Jeffrey Cummings3, Sarah Banks4, Dietmar Cordes1
W145 Sex moderates amyloid and ApoE4 effect on prefrontal/default mode network resting state connectivity Jessica Kirkland Caldwell1, Xiaowei Zhuang2, MacKenzie Leavitt3, Jeffrey Cummings3, Dietmar Cordes1
W338 Common Neural and Transcriptional Correlates of Inhibitory Control Modulating Memory and Emotion Wei Liu1, Nils Kohn1, Guillen Fernandez1
W410 The endocannabinoid system as a predictor of fear extinction learning – An fMRI study Jennifer Spohrs1, Martin Ulrich2, Georg Grön2, Paul Plener3, Michael Prost2, Laura Bindila4, Birgit Abler2
W640 Event Related Potentials of cross-modal sensory predictions during task-irrelevant stimuli Antonino Greco1, Giuseppe Gallitto1, Andrea Caria1
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