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Lifespan Development OtherLifespan Development Other
Poster No Title Authors
M077 Divergent developmental trajectories of hippocampal volume in patient with 22q11.2 deletion syndrome Valentina Mancini1, Corrado Sandini2, Maria Padula3, Daniela Zoller4, Maude Schneider2, Marie Schaer2, Stephan Eliez2
T028 Longterm impact of prenatal exposure to chemotherapy on attentional neurodevelopment: an ERP study Jeroen Blommaert1, Rob Zink1, Sabine Deprez1, Ivan Myatchin1, Patrick Dupont1, Tineke Vandenbroucke1, Charlotte Sleurs1, Kristel Van Calsteren1, Frédéric Amant2, Lieven Lagae1
T033 CBF and BOLD Responses in Pediatric Patients with Sickle Cell Anemia Ping Zou1, Matthew Scoggins1, Jane Hankins1, Kathleen Helton1, Robert Ogg1
T445 Developmental trajectory of striatal reward processing and the modulatory role of urban upbringing Ren Ma1, Gabriela Gan1, Markus Reichert1,2, Urs Braun1, Kristina Schwarz1, Carolin Mößnang1, Iris Reinhard1, Ulrich Ebner-Priemer2, Andreas Meyer-Lindenberg1, Heike Tost1
T449 Linking Individual Differences in Brain Development to Behavioral Heterogeneity in Autism Spectrum Birkan Tunç1,2,3, Lisa Yankowitz1, Drew Parker4, Juhi Pandey1,3, Robert Schultz1,3,5, Ragini Verma4
Th140 Trajectory of brain maturation in adolescent individuals at familial risk of mood disorder Laura de Nooij1, Mathew Harris1, Emma Hawkins1, Xueyi Shen1, Toni-Kim Clarke1, Stella Chan1, Tim Ziermans2, Andrew McIntosh1, Heather Whalley1
Th203 Assessment of microstructural integrity and development in patients with tuberous sclerosis complex Te-Wei Kao1, Yung-Chin Hsu2, Pi-Chuan Fan3, Wen-Yih Tseng1,4
W114 Network Diffusion Model Predicts the Progression of Brain Atrophy in Alzheimer’s Disease Yuchen Liu1, Peng Ji1, Jiajia Zhao1, Yi-Chia Kung2, Pei-Ning Wang3,4, Ching-Po Lin1,2,5, Chun-Yi Zac Lo1
W521 Structural and Functional Connectivity predicts Internalizing Symptoms at age 5 in Preterm Infants Rebecca Brenner1, Peppar Cyr1, Jeanette Kenley1, Tara Smyser1, Cynthia Rogers1, Chris Smyser1
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