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Motor Behavior OtherMotor Behavior Other
Poster No Title Authors
M025 Accelerated decline of homotopic sensorimotor connections in older adults with ASDs Janice Hau1, Jiwandeep Kohli1, Chris Fong1, Annika Linke1, Mikaela Kinnear1, Alan Lincoln2, Ruth Carper1, Ralph-Axel Müller1
M180 Fixel-based analysis reveals remote fibres impairment in stroke patients with somatosensory deficits Chia-Lin Koh1, Chun-Hung Yeh1, Xiaoyun Liang1, Alan Connelly1,2, Leeanne Carey1,2,3
M181 Task-Free and Task-Relevant Differential Brain Functional Network Reconfiguration in Stroke Patients Hsiao-ju Cheng1,2, Kwun Kei Ng1, Xing Qian1, Mengjiao Hu1,3, Fang Ji1, Zhong Kang Lu4, Fatima Narsrallah5,4, Kai Keng Ang4, Kai-Hsiang Chuang5,4, Cuntai Guan3,4, Haoyong Yu2, Effie Chew6,2, Juan (Helen) Zhou1,4
M194 Serotonergic Modulation of Behavioural and Neural Responses During Motor Learning Eoin Molloy1, Karsten Mueller2, Bernhard Sehm3, Ahmad Kanaan4, André Pampel4, Christopher Steele5, Vadim Nikulin2, Pierre-Louis Bazin6, Nathalie Beinhölzl4, Gergana Zheleva4, Fabian Piecha4, Kristin Ihle7, Maria Blöchl4, Ulrike Scharrer4, Ralf Regenthal8, Harald Möller9, Arno Villringer2, Julia Sacher2
M200 White-matter connectome neuroplasticity in perinatal stroke relates to clinical motor function Brandon Craig1, Alicia Hilderley1, Xiangyu Long1, Adam Kirton1, Helen Carlson1
M204 Cortical Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid (GABA) as a Potential Biomarker for Post-Stroke Motor Dysfunction. Tarushi Tanaya1, Lisa Krishnamurthy2, Erin King1, Trisha Kesar1, Michael Borich3
M208 MI-4p is a Motor fMRI Biomarker of Intravenous Autologous Mesenchymal Stem Cell Efficacy in Stroke Assia Jaillard1, Marc Hommel2, Thomas Zeffiro3, Anaick Moisan4, Issa Goundous5, Fabrice HANNANU5, Laurent Lamalle1, Olivier Detante1
Th042 Effects of a theta burst stimulation protocol on functional recovery in orthopedic trauma patients Marianne Jodoin1, Dominique Rouleau2, Catherine Provost2, Audrey Bellemare2, Louis De Beaumont3
Th108 The Difference of fMRI ALFF and MEP between Eyes-Open and Eyes-Closed Ying Jing1, Hai-Jiang Meng2, Hong-Xiao Wang1, Na Zhao1, Zi-Jian Feng1, Xin-Ping Deng1, Jue Wang1, Yu-Feng Zang1
Th118 Motor output trial-to-trial variability: corticospinal excitability and interhemispheric inhibition Maria Mitina1, Vadim Nikulin1,2, Sofya Kulikova3, Vadim Ushakov4, Sergey Kartashov4, Evgeny Blagoveshchensky1, Pavel Novikov1, Gorin Alexey1, Maria Nazarova1
Th229 Predicting upper limb disability progression in multiple sclerosis with functional network analysis Myrte Strik1,2, Anand Eijlers1, Iris Dekker3,4, Kim Meijer1, Joep Killestein3, Bernard Uitdehaag3, Scott Kolbe2,5, Jeroen Geurts1, Menno Schoonheim1
Th622 Modulating the Neural Networks underlying Motor Sequence Learning using Prefrontal Repetitive TMS. Mareike Gann1,2, Marco Davare1,2, Brad King1, Nina Dolfen1,2, Dante Mantini1,2, Stephan Swinnen1,2, Edwin Robertson3, Genevieve Albouy1,2
W716 Effects of Motor Learning and tDCS on Sensorimotor GABA Levels in Older Adults Bradley King1, Jost-Julian Rumpf2, Kirstin Heise1, Nina Dolfen1, Nicolaas Puts3, Richard Edden3, Julien Doyon4, Joseph Classen2, Genevieve Albouy1, Stephan Swinnen1
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