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Neuroanatomy OtherNeuroanatomy Other
Poster No Title Authors
M139 Exploring the Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder Continuum: a Morphometric and Psychological Study. Sara Sorella1, Gaia Lapomarda1, Roma Siugzdaite2, Irene Messina3, Remo Job1, Alessandro Grecucci1
Th748 Using Vascular Territories to Predict Disconnection Profiles in Post-Stroke Aphasia Natalie Busby1, Ajay Halai2, Ying Zhao3, Geoff Parker4, Matthew Lambon Ralph2
Th749 A novel 11.7T ultra-high field diffusion MRI structural connectivity atlas of the Japanese quail Raïssa Yebga Hot1,2,3, Marine Siwiaszczyk4, Justine Beaujoin1,2,3, David Barrière1,3, Ivy Uszynski1,5, Scott Love4, Ludovic Calandreau4, Baptiste Mulot6, Elodie Chaillou4, Cyril Poupon1,2,3
W183 Epilepsy Connectome Project: Neural Correlates of Personality Traits in Temporal Lobe Epilepsy Charlene Rivera-Bonet1, Bruce Hermann2, Cole Cook2, Courtney Forseth2, Gyujoon Hwang1, Kevin Dabbs1, Veena Nair2, Jedidiah Mathis3, Linda Allen3, Dace Almane2, Rasmus Birn2, Lisa Conant3, Edgar DeYoe3, Elizabeth Felton2, Colin Humphries3, Rama Maganti2, Andrew Nencka3, Onyekachi Nwoke1, Manoj Raghavan3, Aaron Struck2, Neelima Tellapragada2, Vivek Prabhakaran2, Jeffrey Binder4, Elizabeth Meyerand2
W339 Corticostriatal Reward Sensitivity Predicts Weight Loss Following a 12-Month Intervention Jamie Peven1, Shannon Donofry1, John Jakicic1, Renee Rogers1, Jennifer Watt1, Kirk Erickson1
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