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Social Neuroscience OtherSocial Neuroscience Other
Poster No Title Authors
M304 Neurobehavioral response to acute psychosocial stress is a valid measure for clinical interventions Adam Goodman1, M. David Diggs1, Neha Balachandran1, Pranav Kakulamarri1, Jane Allendorfer1, Jerzy Szaflarski1
M313 Dynamic human and avatar facial expressions elicit different cortical but not subcortical responses Lorena Kegel1,2, Julia Bauer1,2, Peter Brugger3, Sascha Frühholz2, Thomas Grunwald1, Peter Hilfiker1, Martin Kurthen1, Miriam Loertscher4,5, Dieter Mersch6, Anton Rey5, Teresa Sollfrank1, Bettina Steiger1, Joerg Sternagel6, Michel Weber5, Hennric Jokeit1,2
M733 Aberrant effective connectivity in first-episode schizophrenia correlates with positive symptoms Martin Dietz1, Yuan Zhou2, Lotte Veddum3, Christopher Frith4, Vibeke Bliksted5
T428 The Relationship between Loneliness and Cognitive Function in The Elderly Chao Du1, Xin Li1, Xia Jianan1, Zhanjun Zhang1
Th888 Perceived control drives self-related outcome valuation, emotion, and behavioral preferences David Stolz1, Laura Müller-Pinzler1, Sören Krach1, Frieder Paulus1
W183 Epilepsy Connectome Project: Neural Correlates of Personality Traits in Temporal Lobe Epilepsy Charlene Rivera-Bonet1, Bruce Hermann2, Cole Cook2, Courtney Forseth2, Gyujoon Hwang1, Kevin Dabbs1, Veena Nair2, Jedidiah Mathis3, Linda Allen3, Dace Almane2, Rasmus Birn2, Lisa Conant3, Edgar DeYoe3, Elizabeth Felton2, Colin Humphries3, Rama Maganti2, Andrew Nencka3, Onyekachi Nwoke1, Manoj Raghavan3, Aaron Struck2, Neelima Tellapragada2, Vivek Prabhakaran2, Jeffrey Binder4, Elizabeth Meyerand2
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