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Poster No Title Authors
M067 Brain state transitions in healthy controls and chromosome 22q deletion syndrome Eli Cornblath1, Arian Ashourvan1, Jason Kim2, Richard Betzel3, Rastko Ciric1, Graham Baum2, Xiaosong He1, Kosha Ruparel1, Tyler Moore1, Ruben Gur1, Raquel Gur1, Russell Shinohara2, Theodore Satterthwaite1, David Roalf2, Danielle Bassett1
M475 Deep Chronnectome Learning Via Full Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory for Schizophrenia Diagnosis Weizheng Yan1,2, Vince Calhoun3, Tianzi Jiang1,2, Jing Sui1,2
M504 Response To Treatment In Depression: Multi-class Predictive Utility Of Morphometric Features Pradeep Reddy Raamana1, Jee-su Suh2, Stephen Arnott3, Benicio Frey2, Stefanie Hassel4, Jacqueline Harris4, Mojdeh Zamyadi5, Raymond Lam6, Roumen Milev7, Daniel Mueller8, Susan Rotzinger9, Sidney Kennedy9, Glenda McQueen4, CAN-BIND Investigator Team10, Stephen Strother11
M531 Oscillatory brain states govern rsfMRI network dynamics in the mouse brain Daniel Gutierrez1, Albert Basson2, Stefano Panzeri3, Alessandro Gozzi1
M753 Dynamic time warping outperforms correlation in detecting atypical functional connectivity in autism Annika Linke1, Mikaela Kinnear1, Jiwandeep Kohli1, Chris Fong1, Ryan Tung1, Ruth Carper1, Ralph-Axel Müller1
M777 Behavioral Profiling of Autism Connectivity Abnormalities William Snyder1, Vanessa Troiani1
M789 Intrinsic non-stationarity correction for Fixel-Based Analysis Robert Smith1,2, Dennis Dimond3, David Vaughan1,4, Donna Parker1, Thijs Dhollander1,2, Graeme Jackson1,4,2, Alan Connelly1,2
M803 Cluster Independent Component Analysis for analyzing multi-subject resting state fMRI data Jeffrey Durieux1,2,3, Tom Wilderjans1,2,4, Marisa Koini5, Frank de Vos1,2,3, Tijn Schouten1,2,3, Anita Lechner5, Reinhold Schmidt5, Serge Rombouts1,2,3
M805 New Approach for Analysis of Resting-state Functional MRI: Convolutional Auto-Encoder Yuki Hashimoto1, Yousuke Ogata2, Kiyoharu Aizawa1, Yuichi Yamashita3
M808 The co-alteration profile of the cingulate cortex Jordi Manuello1, Lorenzo Mancuso2, Linda Ficco2, Greta Polchi2, Alessia Teneggi2, Donato Liloia3, Andrea Nani3, Tommaso Costa3, Sergio Duca4, Franco Cauda2
M817 Fast Detection of Brains with Abnormalities Using Recursive Agglomerative Clustering Alhussain Almarhabi1, Anand Joshi2, Sergul Aydore1
M825 Local sulci width estimation applied to compare patients with Alzheimer’s disease and Controls Julieta Mateos1, Sarael Alcauter2, Alfonso Gastelum Strozzi3, Fernando Barrios4, Ernesto Bribiesca5, Jorge Marquez3
M853 Improved reconstruction of white matter tissue close to brain tumors using single-shell 3-tissue CSD Hannelore Aerts1, Thijs Dhollander2, Daniele Marinazzo1
M856 Categorizing cortical dysplasia lesions by surgical outcome using network functional connectivity Mark DiFrancesco1, Abdullah Bdaiwi1, James Leach1, Francesco Mangano1, Hansel Greiner1
M867 Submodule Extraction and Network Dissimilarity based on Harmonic Holes Hyekyoung Lee1, Moo Chung2, Hongyoon Choi3, Hyejin Kang4, Seunggyun Ha3, Yu Kyeong Kim5, Dong Soo Lee4
M872 Bi-stability in the critical human brain Sheng H Wang1, Tuomas Puoliväli1, Gabriele Arnulfo2, Felix Siebenhühner3, Lino Nobili2, Satu Palva4, Matias Palva5
T579 STUN: Spatial Transformer U-Net for segmentation of the hippocampus from MR images Nicola Dinsdale1, Naiara Demnitz1, Thomas Wassenaar1, Claire Sexton1, Janet Withall2, Afroditi Stathi3, Ana Namburete1, Mark Jenkinson1
T668 Residual correlations reveal top-down selective attention mechanisms in healthy and depressed adults Arielle Keller1,2, Tali Ball2, John Cocjin3, Akshay Jagadeesh4, Lior Bugatus4, Kalanit Grill-Spector4,5, Leanne Williams2
Th055 Multiple superficial targets of rTMS for Modulation on Deep Brain Region Zijian Feng1, Xinping Deng1, Na Zhao1, Hongxiao Wang1, Ying Jing1, Yu Feng Zang1, Jue Wang1
Th056 Mapping sensorimotor activation hotspots during cortical stimulation (MOSAICS) in perinatal stroke Helen Carlson1, Hsing-Ching Kuo2, Adrianna Giuffre2, Jeffrey Grab3, Liu Shi Gan4, Ephrem Zewdie2, Adam Kirton5
Th101 Determining the stimulation site in TMS: Sensitivities with respect to uncertain model parameters Konstantin Weise1, Ole Numssen1, Axel Thielscher2, Gesa Hartwigsen3, Thomas Knoesche1
Th150 Using rsfMRI data to select left DLPFC stimulation sites for a personalized treatment of depression Aditya Singh1, Tracy Erwin-Grabner1, Grant Sutcliffe1, Andrea Antal2, Walter Paulus2, Roberto Goya-Maldonado1
Th154 Emotion Self-Regulation Training in Major Depression Using Simultaneous rtfMRI and EEG Neurofeedback Vadim Zotev1, Ahmad Mayeli1,2, Masaya Misaki1, Jerzy Bodurka1,3
Th494 Investigating Psychosis Spectrum White Matter Glutamate Alterations with GluCEST Imaging Valerie Sydnor1, Christian Kohler1, Theodore Satterthwaite1, Andrew Crow1, Monica Calkins1, Mark Elliott2, Ravi Nanga2, Hari Hariharan2, Ravinder Reddy2, Raquel Gur1, Ruben Gur1, David Roalf1
Th495 Myelin Mapping Using 3D Adiabatic Inversion Recovery Ultrashort Echo Time (3D IR-UTE) Sequences Jiang Du1, Hyungseok Jang1, Eric Chang1, Jody Corey-Bloom1, Yajun Ma1
Th697 Optimizing the T1/T2 ratio for analysis within and between subjects Kjetil Jørgensen1,2, Stener Nerland1,2, Torgeir Moberget2,3, Torbjørn Elvsåshagen2,3, Erik Jönsson2,4, Ole Andreassen2,3, Ingrid Agartz1,2,4
Th791 Comparing lesion induced topographic simulated connectivity change maps for groups and individuals Emil Nijhuis1, Christoph Stippich2, Matthias Weigel1, Bram Stieltjes1
Th804 Using Simulation to Estimate Damage to White Matter Tracts with High Reliability Anouk Smits1,2, Martine van Zandvoort2,3, Laura Heezen2, Nick Ramsey2, Edward de Haan1, Mathijs Raemaekers2
W205 Conditional generative adversarial networks support the detection of focal cortical dysplasias Bastian David1, Sailesh Conjeti2, Fabiane Schuch1, Bernd Weber1, Elke Hattingen3, Christian Elger1, Martin Reuter2,4, Theodor Rüber1,5,6
W257 Cortical activity time locked to oscillatory events in the STN of Parkinson patients Matthias Sure1, Jan Vesper2, Alfons Schnitzler1,3, Esther Florin1
W299 Autoregressive Mixed Models of Longitudinal Brain Changes, Cognition and Genetics in ADNI Qifan Yang1,2, Sophia Thomopoulos1, Linda Ding1,2, Wesley Surento1, Paul Thompson1, Neda Jahanshad1
W465 Vascular reactivity measured with high temporal resolution fMRI in hereditary and sporadic CAA Thijs van Harten1, Sabine Voigt1, Emma Koemans1, Anna van Opstal1, Sanneke van Rooden2, Mark van Buchem1, Gisela Terwindt1, Jacco Zwanenburg3, Marianne Walderveen1, Jeroen van der Grond2, Marieke Wermer1, Matthias van Osch1
W864 Energetics of brain plasticity in the healthy and MS brain: a quantitative fMRI study. Eleonora Patitucci1, Rachael Stickland1, Hannah Chandler1, Michael Germuska1, Catherine Foster1, Shona Bhome-Dhaliwal1, Sharmila Khot1,2, Neeraj Saxena1, Valentina Tomassini1,3,4, Richard Wise1
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